Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ok - this blog is a blog about needing HELP!!
I have a laptop (hubby has his own PC) anyway - i ALWAYS keep my volume off on my laptop - the only time I ever turn it on is when I am watching a video on TMZ or youtube. Well, I was watching something on youtube and then went from there to my blog. When i opened up the page, i thought WHAT THE HELL IS THAT????!!!!!!! There is music playing on my blog - and NOT music that I listen too! Where did it come from??? How did it get on my blog???? If someone can help me take the music off, please let me know!!!! I do not want this music playing on my blog!
please let me know asap!

I apologize to anyone who came to my blog because it is VERY ANNOYING!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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