Saturday, September 27, 2008

More Phinkalinkalinks

ok - this is (hopefully) my last blog about phinkalinkalinks. i had a couple of people ask me about this word - where it came from, why i use it and what it means. as i stated in a previous blog it is what i call the "PH" stuff that is in diet soft drinks, sweet & low and many other things. It is not good for you - but I found out it is in my vitamin C.
Why do I use this word? I use it because I can not pronounce the "ph" stuff (see previous blog to find full spelling of the "ph" word). Plus, I like to say phinkalinkalinks.
Where did this word come from? I must give props where props are due. This fun word to say came from my brother - Joe (I'll introduce him later). During one of my mom's visits here to Auburn, i was having a conversation with my mom and my brother about medications, vitamins, things to stay away from (that you eat and drink), etc....... my brother had bought some gum (or something) and it had "ph" in it. he said "Wow, my gum has phinkalinkalinks in it!" I had never heard this word and thought it was funny. I had him repeat it several times so I could understand what he was saying.
that is the origin of the word - phinkalinkalinks (I promise - i will try not to use this word again... especially in the title)

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